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The Bunch Celebrate L's Birthday!


Happy birthday 🎉🥳

I can't believe my baby girl turned 15 this week. I remember what a cute and pudgy toddler she was running around in her princess dresses. Now, she is a beautiful, young woman with a little bit of sass, but that will probably go away when she is past the teenage years. I only have 2 left in school for next year and L only has 2 years left of high school and then just the boy will be left. I feel it has all come full circle. I started with just a boy and I will finish with just a boy. I am so sad to know our time of making memories everyday with the kids is close to ending (6 years just doesn't seem like that long anymore). However, I am so excited to start my adventures with D. I am already counting down to his retirement in a little over 7 years. I tend to say I am going to see the world with him, but  it really will only the world that is in the 48 contigious states. I saw the most perfect shirt yesterday. It said "when I am older I don't want people to say what a nice little old lady I am. I want them to say Oh, Crap what is she up to now!" Words to live by.

Our drought has had a temporary reprieve. We have had two decent storms this week and had some significant rain fall. I wish I could tell you how much rainfall we had, but the rain gauge in my weather station is not working. Everything is super muddy and slippery, which you know I hate, but since it was so dry and crunchy before I am grateful we had rain. Plus it is easier to deal with the muck when I know the next 10 days will be nice. 

Our dryer went out this week. It had stopped heating and we replaced the heating element about 3 months ago. It stopped heating again a couple of days ago and D thought maybe the cat had got behind it and unplugged something. He pulled it away from the wall and found huge burn marks behind it. I am so grateful the house didn't catch fire! We have been hanging our clothes on a cloths line now when the weather is nice. It really feels like Little House on the Prairie now! We will get a new one soon, but I am not in a super hurry. It feels kind of nice to do this like our ancestors had to. I feel like I can say "Ha, I don't have to buy your $800 dryer!", but I will eventually. The kids say they find it relaxing. They have only hung clothes once so far. I will see how they feel after a month. 

The kids hanging up laundry.

T and I worked so hard starting our little garden and sadly, after 3 weeks only one plant of our 61 starters has emerged. I might not get my tomatoes for my homemade marinara. This weekend T is planting his in ground seeds; okra and corn. Our onions are really looking good though. 

The baby is so helpful! She really does like to be carried around over your shoulder like you are burping a baby.

A has always been really interested in what L gets for presents. Apparently, the Hamiliton book was something they BOTH were interested in

Now, two fur babies want to participate in opening boxes.

T was so tired after his sleepover, he feel asleep on the cat's pillow. She was NOT sure what to make of this development. 

I hope you guys have a great week!


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