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The Bunch Are Enjoying the Warmer Weather!


The cat plays hide & seek with us. She is annoyingly good!

Apparently, everyone is enjoying the warmer weather. With all the new rving families now, once again finding somewhere to go camp for a few days is very hard. I had to to check 5 different campgrounds before I managed to snag the last available spot at the last campground I checked. This wasn't even a reservation for a weekend! It was for a Mon. thru Weds. and more than two weeks away when I made the reservations. We are going to Lake Arrowhead State Park. We have never been there before, but I have wanted to check it out since they have a prairie dog town. I thought the kids would find that interesting. Since it was literally THE last spot anywhere, I figured now was as good as time as any to go check it out. It will be our first time taking our baby kitty (who is now more like a grown cat-at least size wise) camping with us. She will have her leash and harness on and a carrier in case she needs some "quiet time"in the camper. We have already had her check it out a few times so she is becoming familiar with it. I think the hardest part for her will be the 2 hour car ride in her carrier. 

The girls have prom coming up in April and have been excitedly been shopping for their dresses and shoes. It is a Return to Narnia theme and seems like it will be a lot of fun. Not only will they have music, but also games, dance lessons, a nice dinner, and other fun things to do. It is at the Frisco Convention Center which is an hour away from our house so D and I are basically looking for something to do in that area from about 4pm -12am while we wait for their prom to end. Yes, A could drive them, but she would be very uncomfortable trying to park in a parking garage and drive that far home at night so we plan to just take them and drop them off.

THE dresses.


A has been working on her memory board for graduation and it is almost finished. It looks really good. Her graduation ceremony is May 15, but we won't actually finish school until a couple of weeks after that. She has already applied to college and it looks like the Vet Tech program is what she wants to do. It is mostly online so she won't be going far. 

T is playing flag football. It felt really weird to have a practice for something after more than a year of nothing. It felt like the very beginning of a return to a normal life. Not very many kids signed up (probably because of the mask rule) so they combined 10U and 12U together, which means T is a GIANT compared to some of his team mates. It is kind of funny, but at least he is getting some exercise and getting to play a sport. He will be so happy when basketball comes back!

Finally something to do on the weekends!

My giant son is also taller than the coaches!

C finally picked a venue for the wedding. They rented a lodge in Denison and the date will be Dec. 31, which is kind of neat since D and I have an anniversary on the 23rd of December.  The girls plan to reuse their prom dresses to wear at the wedding. They are excited to go somewhere other than funerals. We have had a lot of funerals in the past 3 years. 

We are also making plans to visit Branson again. I can't wait. We love that area. It is so beautiful at Christmas time. This time we are going to visit the Springfield Aquarium, which is more like a zoo. It looks really fun and, of course, visit Silver Dollar City again. That was so much fun last time. I can't wait! Something else to look forward too!


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