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The Bunch Get Ready For a Happy Easter!

The Bunch

Well, we have had a pretty good week. The weather has been beautiful, albeit very dry. T was was able to plant his garden and D and I managed to catch up on some outdoor chores we have been needing to do. I know it won't be long before we will have to get everything outside done by 10 am because it will just be too hot after that during the summer months. However, we are making the most of this beautiful stretch of spring weather. 

The girls did it! They found their shoes for prom (a shout out to Aunt P for helping them!). We ended up at DSW and the first thing they did was check the clearance rack. I was so proud! A actually ended up getting the first pair she tried on that were from the clearance rack, but that realization came after her and L tried on all the rest of the shoes in the store. Ok, they might not have really tried on every shoe, but they took long enough that they probably could have. T and I ended up leaving to go to Lowe's to get some garden supplies we needed. Everyone in Denton must have had the same idea because Lowe's was crazy busy. Instead of the 20 minutes I told the girls it would take us, it took an hour! However, when I made it back to get them, they were still trying on shoes, but had narrowed it down at least  to a few and then decided to base their final decision on comfort since they will have to wear them for about 10 hours at prom. Also, remember how I found the super sale at Macy's and the dresses were only $30? Well, I had to get them taken up 2 inches so they they wouldn't trip over them all night and the seamstress charges $45 to hem formal wear. I found it funny that the hemming was 150% more than the actual dress! Even at a grand total of $75 each, the dresses are still a steal so I am very happy and now they have pretty shoes (and functional) to go with them. 

The shoes

T had a phenomenal football game last week. He caught two touchdown passes and a 2 point conversion. Those were pretty much the only times the ball was thrown to him so he did really well. However, we live about 30 minutes from the football field in Denton and T chose to tell me after we had arrived that he left his mouth guard at home! Yes, I could have gone down the street and bought another one at Academy, but we have already invested  $75 in mouth guards for this 6 week football season (thanks to his braces, it took 3 before finding one that worked for him) and I wasn't investing anymore. I drove all the way home to get his mouth guard and made it back to the field in time for the 3rd quarter. The girls said it looked like I was angry driving. I probably was. T was grounded from electronics for the rest of the day. I had asked multiple times BEFORE we left if he had everything and, of course, he said he did. From now on, I will be more specific. He gets to do basketball this summer so he is really excited. He likes basketball way more than football.

 L also gets to do her FINAL season of volleyball this summer and she is excited about that. She misses seeing her friends every week.  I wish A would do more with her friends, but other than Prom she doesn't have any plans to see her friends. She is a super home body and I am glad the pandemic is ending so she can get back to doing things with the church student body and being around her own friends. 

We dyed Easter eggs and the kids always get super creative with their eggs. Though it makes them very sad when the next day I destroy them to make an egg gravy for Easter breakfast and deviled eggs to go with dinner. It was such a lovely day to sit by the lightly blowing laundry, listen to music, and dye eggs. Yes, we are still hanging our clothes outside which actually isn't too bad since we have had perfect weather lately. I am researching now and hopefully in the next couple of weeks will have decided what we need and found a good deal on it. I am not in a big rush. The cloths line really isn't that bad and as a bonus my electric bill went way down, though that also probably has more to do with the weather being nice so there is no heat or a/c running and we didn't have sub zero weather this month! The only thing we don't like about the cloths line is we can't figure out how to make the towels soft. Towels come out pretty stiff. Luckily, everything else is fine, but we can't figure out why the towels do that.

They are really into being creative.

They spent about 2 hours on their eggs.

Of course, T finished first, but he did spend longer on his eggs than he normally does.

A made Harry Potter eggs and Victoria eggs.

T was very upset I thought this was a baby Grinch. Apparently, it is a green alien.

Another A creation.

We love our Merlin. We have almost watched through the entire season as a family for the 5th time.

L did not want pics  of her stuff.

I did manage to get a shot of her Hamilton egg she was working on though!

Happy Easter Everyone!!!


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