L's version of a baked potato. |
First off, for the most part we are FINALLY recovering from Covid. Our taste and smell are back to about 85%. The only issue I really have still is how quickly I tire when working hard, not just during exercise, but also when mucking the horse's pasture or carrying heavy things. Everyday I get a little better, but it seems slow going now, but I am also doing most of the heavy work around here lately (more on that later).
We celebrated being Covid free by taking C and H out to lunch. |
We also celebrated H's birthday 🎁. |
Typical country day. My horse is "suppose" to be able to pull a wagon. I don't think she could pull a volleyball. |
Our first harvest. I am learning to weed eat because our garden is being overtaken by grass! Not sure why we can grow nice tall lush grass in the garden, but literally no where else! |
We have been able to draw several things from the Fun Jar. A few of the things we have drawn is watching a movie on the projector, comparing store brand to name brand, and recreating old pictures. We LOVE our projector. We set it up in our living room and connect it to our roku. The projector is in HD so when we watch a nature documentary on it, it is like being there! We watched Disney's Bears and it looked great! We could see the individual water droplets on the bear's fur. For our store brand vs name brand we tried several products. We had Cheetos vs Winco's cheese curls, Oreo Double Stuffed, Gluten Free oreos vs Winco double stuffed chocolate cookies, Greek Yogurt, Treetop Apple juice vs Winco applejuice, Fruity Pebbles, and Kraft Deluxe Macaroni vs Daiya Dairy Free macaroni. We put on blindfolds to taste everything so we could not identify what something was before we ate it, then we would try to correctly guess whether it was name brand or not. The fact I still have tasting issues did NOT help me with this game. In fact, I only guessed one correctly and that was just a lucky guess. The name brand winners were the Treetop apple juice, Cheetos and the greek yogurt. The store brand of Oreos and Fruity Pebbles were MUCH better than their name brand counter part. In fact regular Doubled Stuffed Oreos were the least favorite! We all even liked the Gluten Free Oreos better than regular Oreos, which was really surprising. Both of the macaronis were really good, but drastically different. If you need dairy free macaroni the Daiya one was pretty good, if you like cheese and macaroni, which I never really have.
The preferred one was Kraft, but the Daiya one wasn't bad. |
Hands down regular Cheetos were the best. The store ones tasted like cardboard! |
The name brand Greek yogurt was apparently way better than the store one. I hate Greek Yogurt so I did not participate in this one. |
We had fun trying to recreate old pictures. It is actually really hard to do that since you almost never have any of the same stuff, but we had a lot of laughs trying to find pictures and then even more when we tried to retake the picture! It was a fun afternoon.
My cute baby girl. |
Still cute, but WAY heavier! |
L had such big blue eyes. We all laugh about her "muscle" rolls now. Girl liked to eat! |
It was hard to find pics for T to recreate. He wore A LOT of costumes. What I wouldn't give to recreate his Clifford picture from when he was 4! |
A was about the same size as baby L! |
Nailed it! |
Daddy was such a good sport about playing with A. |
Yes, that is same bonnet. Daddy's face is just a little bigger.😂 |
T has church camp for a whole week in 2 weeks! I have NEVER been away from him for more than one night at a time in his whole life. He is really excited and I am a nervous wreck! That same week the girls will be day camp counselors at our church. They will be gone from 7am-4pm everyday. Basically D and I will be alone for a week. It will be weird.
Now for why the kids and I are doing ALL the manual labor. D was home for a month on workman's comp when he had Covid. He finally tested negative and was able to resume his duties...for a whole week. He had training during that week to make up for all the training days he missed thanks to Covid and during literally the very last training exercise for the day he tore his calve muscle. Now, since this is workman's comp because it happened while at work, we can't just go to an orthopedic and have it examined. First, we have to see an "approved" general practicioner. Basically, he went to CareNow. For the next week he gets to keep his leg elevated, iced, take muscle relaxers, and steriods BEFORE they will recommend he go to an "approved" specialist. I have my scooter all charged up so he can go with us to do errands or volleyball games, but he pretty much just gets to sit on the couch. I am back to thinking that 2021 might be worse than 2020. I will keep you updated on what happens next week when he goes back for his check up.
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