T is ready for camp! |
First off, D had his follow up for his calve. The CareNow doctor cleared him for no restrictions and said he was able to resume regular activity, which would be great news if it was true. He is in far less pain, but he is still having issues with it seizing up and, of course, is worried about it making him fall down again and be unable to move, which for his job could be really horrible. For now though he is back at work doing his normal duties. We plan to go see a specialist on our own to see what exactly is going on with his calve. He needs something more than someone just poking at it and declaring it good when the pain lessens, regardless of on going problems still being present.
Apparently my appliances are continuing their systematic revolt. This week my oven caught fire! I was out in the horse pen so I wasn't present until after everything went down. Fortunately, D was in the house so he was able to quickly deal with it. A had heard some weird hissing sounds and alerted D to check on the oven, which apparently the interior was engulfed in flames. D quickly flipped the breaker to the oven and put the fire out. We used fans to help vent the smoke outside. The lower heating element was completely severed. We have no idea how that happened, but it picked a good time to go out. We don't use the big oven in the summer in order to help the house cool. The stove top still works and we use the toaster oven when we need to bake something, but mostly in the summer we grill or use the crock pot, which we put in the garage to keep the heat out of the house. However, this is the SECOND time this year one of our appliances has caught fire! We have never had any appliance fires before so having two so close together is kind of worrying for us. At least this one was contained inside the oven unlike when the dryer heating element caught fire right next to our laundry room wall.
Not even sure how this happened. |
If almost burning the house down wasn't enough for this week, we also all got sick AGAIN. Obviously, it wasn't Covid since we all just recovered from that, but it was some 3-4 day illness that made us feel like we swallowed staples and turned our noses into a flowing faucet. However, even with my inability to breathe and swallow, I still felt WAY better than I did with Covid. It wasn't even close to the Covid level. Fortunately, it was a very short illness. The sore throat lasted about one day and by day 3 we felt back to normal, but still had nasal congestion. This illness threatened to make the kids sit out their planned activities for next week. The girls are camp counselors at church and T is going away to camp, which he is beyond excited about, but happily everyone is feeling much better and can go to their planned activities next week so we are all happy.
A broke her glasses this week so she has to wear her sunglasses until her new glasses get here. She has a back up pair of regular glasses but the prescription is slightly off so they give her a headache if she wears them too long. |
L caught several tadpoles from our pond so she could watch them grow. The short story is that we watched one grow and the other 8 die. |
Maisy likes to give everyone morning kisses. |
Here's to hoping next week gets better!
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