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The Bunch Have Birthday Week in Full Swing


It really happened! WE SAW WICKED at Fair Park!! We had waited in unsettling anticipation for our event to be canceled. Covid cases started rising again. The ICU bed count was higher than the magical 15% for more than seven days. Cities were starting to revert back to plague level preparations, but thankfully none of that mattered! Our play we had been anxiously anticipating all summer went off without a hitch. Ok, maybe a small hitch on our way home where an apparently abandoned wrecked car blocked 2 lanes on 75, but we'll talk about that later. What matters is we FINALLY saw our play and, just as everyone had told us, it was freaking fantastic! I had paid for really good seats which were still kind of far back, but were the closest I could get 5 seats together. When I bought the tickets three hours after they went on sale and  row E was as close as I could get 5 seats, I had a feeling it would be packed and it was. I chose to go to one of the 1:30 pm showings because we live well over an hour away and we would have been coming home around midnight if I hadn't. We were required to wear masks the whole time even while seated. I absolutely hated wearing a mask for about 4.5 straight hours, but after listening to several people cough and otherwise be obviously ill, I was glad that everyone was wearing them. The kids and I were blown away by the production and we will NEVER see the Wizard of OZ the same way again. The surprise ending was fantastic and we were glad no one in all this time had spoiled it for us. We were shocked!! The girls really want to see Hamilton now, but if you don't have tickets from last year, you are NOT getting any now without paying at least double. Traffic was a nightmare on the way home. I am not even sure how, but an abandoned wrecked car was just sitting in the middle of 75. There were no sirens, no police, nothing. We decided to get off and go eat at an Indian restaurant D and I love. Unfortunately, they changed the way they prepare their food so it wasn't as good and the two youngest hated it. That was an expensive thing to learn and somehow while we were there the kids were bitten by several ants which we discovered later. I have no idea how they could be bitten that many times and not notice. Thankfully, by the the time we were done eating we were able to manuever around the traffic and take a different highway home. I know the DPD is super short staffed, but having no one around at an incident on a major highway was shocking.  It didn't look very recent when we passed it. I still have no idea how long it took someone to finally get there, direct traffic, and get the car towed. The play was great though and we were super happy that we were able to go.

It was crowded.

They had the most efficient bathroom attendants I ever saw. It was like they were directing pilots to land and not women to find the next available stall!

T was the next to celebrate a birthday during birthday week.  He invited a close friend to come spend the night and we took them the next day to go celebrate at the rec center. They played in the water park for awhile and then dried off and played basketball on one of the indoor courts.  It was a boy's dream apparently. He had such a fun time and by the time we dropped T's friend back off at home, T could barely keep his eyes open. T easily made the basketball team he tried out for. Unfortunately, even after telling them myself and T telling them, they still placed him on the 12U team, which they can do since the cut off date is Sept 1 and he turned 13 on the 3rd. We thought about just not participating this year because I am that upset, but ultimately decided to play for a couple of reasons. The first was that at least he will be actively involved in a sport he loves and who doesn't like being the best player on a team. Unfortunately, he is also the most drastically tall person. The smaller kids are literally half his size. The second reason was I was afraid if he decided not to play this year it might affect them considering him for the team his friends are on next year. It still is a club team that not every kid was able to play for. I try to to remember that, but I am still pretty bitter he isn't playing with his friends this year. He deserves to be on the bigger team.

My youngest child is a teenager!!

He is very into card tricks right now. We spend A LOT of time watching him perfect his tricks. In fact, A has set a limit on how many he can show her in a day!😂

He had a great birthday.

Even Noelle was part of the fun.

A is having a crash landing in adult reality. This is the first year that on her actual birthday she doesn't get to celebrate. I have always had them take the day off school and they get to do pretty much whatever they want for a day. They pick activities, shows, food, etc. This year she just has too much work for college to take the day off even with her school being all online. In fact, one of her vet classes is only worth 2 credit hours and has about 4 times the work as all the rest of her classes together. I helped her make a chart to pace herself with so she doesn't get overwhelmed, but it is a lot. Plus, her vet classes also require documented hours of animal care so she will be volunteering at a local animal shelter every week too. She is also too busy to go camping with us. She won't be too upset at that whenever we just go stay at one site and hike, but when we go somewhere fun like Branson she is going to be pretty upset to miss it. I am trying to view it as we have a built in animal sitter now so maybe we can travel more frequently. It will be very different though. We celebrated her birthday on Sunday and what did she want most? A day to do nothing! She wanted to do nothing and stay in her pajamas all day....and so she did. She loved it.

Noelle is all about presents and packages.

I now have 2 adult children.

She loves books and is VERY particular about their organization and care. In fact, she is so weird about it that I won't borrow books from her anymore.

L has decided to do choir with the church. Several of her friends do choir so she wanted to also. Between her choir and T's basketball, our schedule is starting to get busy again. 


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