L found a little break in all these super crazy windy days to practice some aerial. |
We had a wonderful Easter. The kids checked out their basket goodies and we had our annual egg hunt. For the first time since T was a little tyke, he did not win the egg hunt (everything in our house is a competition). L was the winner this year by 10 eggs. A was happy that her and T tied because she ALWAYS comes in last. However, in an ironic turn of events T found an extra egg in the middle of the yard later that afternoon which gave him one more egg than A so once again she lost. We had our traditional egg gravy with toast for breakfast (the girls ate overnight oatmeal since they don't like gravy) and we had ham and potato casserole for dinner. Basically, we ate and watched tv all day. It was fantastic and something we rarely give ourselves permission to do.
My youngest baby working on coloring his eggs. |
We find it fun to dye eggs together. It is just part of our Easter traditions. Sometimes they have super elaborate eggs, but not really this year. |
T made a penguin that was cute. |
L did some crazy shaving cream eggs. She always has to be different from the other two. I guess it's middle child syndrome. |
First she spread the shaving cream out and then drizzled liquid food coloring on it. |
She then rolled the eggs around in the mixture and let them sit for a few minutes. |
They looked interesting. |
Then she rinsed them off. They looked like galaxy eggs. |
They turned out really pretty and unique. |
A just dyed hers in really deep colors. |
L also did some plain colored ones. |
I have started teaching L to drive. We start on our street and work up to around the block. Once I feel she is comfortable with that (remember our "around the block" is 55 mph with NO shoulders, narrow lanes, and deep ditches), we then move on to driving to town. Town is about 12 miles from our house. I like to stop and have her go through the car wash while we are there because why waste the trip to town when we could get some errands done too. Oh, and did I mention we do all of this after dark? L has yet to drive in the daylight. Texas requires 10 hours of night time driving in order to get your license. I always do this part first with them because if we waited until later in the summer to drive at night then we would be out driving until midnight! Thanks to having to wait three months for the appointment, I already missed the time change so now for ten days we are driving from 8-9pm, which is plenty late for me. She has done well so far, but anytime your life is in the hands of someone who has never driven, I have to say, it is SCARY! It is amazing what you don't think about after driving for years. They need to know how to turn so they don't hit the car at the stop sign. It is a lot of little things that you don't think about that they DON'T do that scare the pants off you. I feel that after I teach T in 2 years, I will have gone fully gray and will have earned it!
For the first time ever, we left our two youngest together for the evening. If there is any combination of kids I don't leave together by themselves, it is those two. They have always fought the hardest and been the culprits at the bottom of some ill advised situations. However, T is 13 and L is 16 so in theory they should be able to handle 3 hours at home alone...you would think. A had a church function she was going to and D and I were meeting some friends for dinner that we hadn't seen in forever. I bought them some "special" (read: junk) food for them to make for dinner and they selected a movie to watch. I called twice and everything seemed fine. Imagine our surprise then when we open the door to come in and L is screaming and crying and T is very animated trying to explain what happened. Apparently, about ten minutes before we arrived the cat had crawled under L's dresser and was trying to eat something she shouldn't (she is really like a toddler) and L had got on the floor to peer under her dresser and take away whatever the cat was choking on. The cat thought she was playing with her and batted at her. Unfortunately, she hit L right on the eyeball and scratched her cornea, which apparently hurt horribly and caused her to scream (scaring the cat). We had to take her first thing in the morning to an opthalmologist and fortunately, it wasn't too bad and he gave us some antibiotic drops and even now only two days later she feels fine, but will still take the last two days of drops.
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