I only had one #4 so I used 4 regular candles for the other one, which the camera didn't pick up so my husband is 4.😂 |
Boy, Oh Boy,! The week before Christmas for us is always jam packed. We have my husband's birthday, our anniversary, and Christmas all within 3 days! My husband had to work on his birthday this year so we celebrated a couple of days earlier. We went to go see the new Avatar movie for his birthday. I wasn't sure I wanted to see it in the theaters because it is about 3.5 hours and sitting still for too long in one spot can really bother the arthritis in my hips and become super painful, but we booked a reservation at a theater with extra large comfortable reclining seats and I hoped that would help. We saw it in 3D which my husband usually hates because wearing glasses on top of glasses isn't generally a fun experience. However, not only did the comfy seats help my hip, but all of us, including the aforementioned husband, LOVED the 3D! We haven't seen a 3D movie in the theaters in over a decade and WOW has technology come a long way! The ENTIRE MOVIE was 3D!!! The last time we saw a movie in 3D it was like a scene here and there, but this was the whole thing. And it was so cool!! I have to be honest, sometimes we stopped watching what was actually going on in the movie and just focused on the crazy clear 3D ocean scenes. It was memorizing. We might have to see it again before it leaves the theaters just to see the fun ocean scenes in 3D.
I am not one of those women who is into big extravagant anniversaries. It just seems like another expense. In fact, most years we just say " Happy Anniversary" and go about our day. If it is a splurge year, then we might eat out. This year we splurged and had A pick up Chinese food from a place in Gainesville by her work. Unfortunately, noone really cared much for it, but at least I didn't have to cook. We then watched old home movies of our trips to Utah to visit family and just had a really nice evening remembering old times. You never realize in the moment how truly special that moment is. Not only were two long gone grandparents there, but also my grown kids were little bitty and oh so cute! It reminds me of all the hugs and cuddles they use to give. Well, to be honest my 6'2" baby still loves his cuddles, but the girls not so much. My kids absolutely adore watching old videos of their younger years. They like seeing themselves as babies and toddlers. I use to be so good at shooting lots of videos, but for the past decade I mostly take pictures so I have decided to make a conscious effort to make more videos.
We had my family over to our house this year for our Christmas brunch. We normally go to my mother's house, but my brother didn't want to do Christmas this year and my mom wasn't really wanting to go to all the trouble of hosting this year so I just had everyone come here. It was kind of a last minute decision. It was nice. I am not sure how much longer my dad can drive all the way out here though. He is getting older and his reflexes aren't what they use to be. I hope he lives another 15 years, but I am well aware that every Christmas might be our last with him. C, H, and B all came over too and we had a wonderful tamale lunch and enjoyed opening gifts with everyone. It was just a nice day filled with family.
They always get to open one on Christmas Eve. They are impatiently awaiting their sister. |
Our pets have to help. That big pink unicorn is actually our cats and it is as big as she is and she will carry it all over the house. It is hysterical to watch her move it! |
A finally showed up so they can open gifts! |
For supposedly not liking her, they sure cuddle a lot.💗 |
She took a sleeping pill the night before and I have to say she was NOT the sharpest person on Christmas morning. |
The other two are always up early for Christmas morning. My rule is not before 6:30am. We would be up at 4am if I let them! |
Not only up early, but have super high energy. It must be nice to have so much energy first thing in the morning. |
My boys❤️❤️ |
My daughter in law. She brought some amazing fajitas to brunch. |
H, B, L, & T were ready to eat! |
My dad "forgot" his teeth. I think he just likes not wearing them and doesn't care what he looks like. However, my mom does care! |
The kids. |
Merry Christmas from the Bunch! |
Today it is back to a normal schedule filled with crazy amounts of basketball practice and games. We have 2 practices, one game, and a two day tournament this week. I am glad T gets to play something that he loves with his friends, but being on a select club team has serious time requirements. We had to schedule Christmas at my in laws for next week because of how crazy busy our schedule is this week. Who schedules a tournament over Christmas break????
I love you all and hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!
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