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The Bunch Fight A Bobcat


L getting ready for her last speech assignment. A pretend job interview. This is what I wore on my wedding day. I never realized how much L looks like me! Maisy is helpful like always.

Ok. We didn't actually really fight one physically (yet), but we are fighting with a bobcat about whether our chickens are allowed to be its lunch. This started back in February. While D was home on FMLA, we saw something way out at the back of the property. Since  living in the country the past 7 years, we have seen A LOT of wild animals. We have a 2500 acre ranch at the end of our street and 160 acre hay field directly behind us ( which unfortunately sold last year for a planned housing development 😭). Animals normally stay away from the only street in between these two places. There are too many people. We had an issue with a lynx when we first moved in, but Maisy kept it out of the yard and we would rarely see it except around day break. Therefore we kept the chickens locked up in the early morning and late evening. No problems. We had happy chickens that could stay out in their pen next to the house all day, though we did lock them up whenever we left just in case. Weird things happen in the country. Back to D on FMLA. We saw something weird in the horse pasture. This is about an acre and a half away from the house so it was hard to tell what it was. It looked red so I thought maybe a fox. D grabbed his gun and his robe and went out to check ( you never know when you might need your gun in the country, however I was banned from posting his pic😂). It was 4 o'clock in the afternoon. The first thing you think of is rabid animal. It has happened more than once. However, when we got close to it, it went over the wire fencing and we saw it was a bobcat and a fairly big one, maybe 30 lbs. It ran off and we went about our business. 

Sorry, honey! It's just too funny! 🤣

The chickens have been perfectly safe out next to our house for years. In March, I started letting them out of their pen and into the main backyard, between our house and the horse pasture. I wanted them to help control the bug population. One day after working outside most of the day, I decided to go take a shower, but suddenly decided to go get the hay ready for evening feed before I did. Lo and Behold, who was waiting in the garden, creeping up on an unsuspecting ( and slightly neurotic) chicken? Yep, Mr. Bobcat. I came with in 6 feet of him out in the middle of the day! I got the kids to lock up the chickens and T and I spent 2 hours clearing the overgrown garden. I decided to not let the chickens out of their pen after that AND that I would keep them locked up at early morning and late evening.  A couple of weeks later, T was mowing the back yard. I was on the deck doing stuff and it came all the way up to the house and almost jumped the fence before I chased it off with a stick. I am sure my neighbors think I am super weird running around with a stick screaming at the top of my lungs ( which I am a basketball voice can carry!) It was 1 o'clock in the afternoon. Three sightings so far ALL in the middle of the day. I decided I would check on the chickens EVERY 15 minutes in addition to the other things I already mentioned. I will say that is a pain and not sustainable in anyway, but once again I went to check on them and this time Mr. Bobcat was right off my deck! He did not run away until I charged at him, screaming like a crazy woman again! He is getting more brazen, so now I only let the chickens out while actively staying in their pen. The girls and I take turns. I watch them for an hour and a half at daybreak and the girls rotate an hour and a half in the evening. We have had no casualties yet, thankfully, but my neighbors were not as vigilant as we were and lost several hens in their flock. I sit with a big stick just in case it comes at me, but D said I should upgrade to a metal bat ( known to us as the rat basher). Though Mr. Bobcat might be able to have one of my chickens. My manly girl finally crowed. So far he is really nice for rooster so no death sentence yet, but should he turn evil he gets booted out with the horses. 

I have no idea why the older hens like to stick their neck through the fence and then let everyone pile on top. They're weird.

The babies like to sit with us while we watch them. They even crawl into our laps.

They also like my wicker table.

My manly girl is sending mixed messages. It crows, but then also gets in the nesting box. 🤷

We got a baby egg! However, they were all suppose to lay brown eggs so I have no idea whose it is....maybe the crowing manly one?!?

Think Mary Poppins. Tuppins a bag.

L was gifted a new camera for graduation and is now so excited to start her classes in the fall that will teach her how to use it ( she knows the basics, but this camera has a ton of cool features). It also came with several lens. She also very diligently looked for her new school laptop and found one that was recommended by her professor that she thinks will work. It comes on Friday so wish me luck setting it up for her to use for her school. I HATE having to call India for customer service. She sings her last high school choir performance next Sunday and then my baby girl is college bound and not eligible to sing in the youth choir anymore. She will miss it. 

She was so excited!

Two days couldn't have been longer for her!

Have a great week!


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