After a week and a half of non-stop cleaning, shopping, and party prep, we FINALLY had L's party! We had about 10 people who unfortunately couldn't make it, but L and her friends had a great time and that was what was most important. In a wonderful end to the week, we got over an inch of rain, which turned out to be a good thing since my husband tried to not only set our house on fire, but also both our adjacent neighbors plus the people who live directly across the street! L had a jar out that she asked everyone to leave a favorite memory of her in, her friends now joke that their favorite memory is almost dying at her grad party!
I'll start at the beginning, I was a little worried about how dry it was outside. We had several batches of storms miss us last month and consequently only had about 3/4 of an inch of rain for the month. Fortunately, two days before L's party we got a good rain storm (with no hail!) and we had a good inch of rain, plus on the actual day of her party, we had another quarter of an inch. That took a huge stress off about watering enough for fireworks. The storm took the temps from the high 90's to about 80, which made the kids playing outside a lot easier. They played volleyball/ Cornhole for about an hour and a half. Our cookout became make tacos and reheat Rosa's sides. We decided it wasn't feasible to cook 30 burgers on the little Weber grill we normally use. We do have a large charcoal grill, but like I said we never use it. I didn't want to blow the dust off the charcoal grill and use it to make a bunch of guests dinner that turned out to be leathery strips of beef ( your welcome). We decided it would be a lot easier to order a bunch of stuff from Rosa's and reheat it. And it was, though I seriously over estimated how much everyone would eat and now our next 4 meals will be leftovers! After it got dark we set up chairs and benches in the driveway to watch D, C, and J light up the sky. These were all leftover from last year's fourth of July, but since we had Covid we just never set them off. Everything went well until we got down to the last couple of bigger ones. My husband in his infinite wisdom told the other two that we didn't need to brace this one because it is a cube ( in all fairness we have set a ton of these off in previous years with no braces and no issues). I am sure you know the rest. Turns out it did in fact need braces and it did in fact bounce around and shoot off horizontally at the kids on the driveway, directly at my neighbor's house, bouncing again it also went horizontally to my other neighbors house, across the street to another house, and finally righted itself and shot the remaining shots directly at my roof! Only time I regretted getting the 25 shot one! You want to talk about getting the heart going! I am just glad no one was hurt ( or suffered a heart attack)! We DEFINITELY won't let D live this down for awhile. The last one went off exactly like it should, which is great, but kind of seemed like a let down compared to the heart stopping previous one!😂 Through it all, my Aunt's dog didn't make a peep or freak out at all. Way to go Spirit! L said the next day the kids from choir joked about almost losing their lives at her party.
L and her friends had a fun time. |
Our innocence before the ordeal.🥰 |
L working very hard on her cupcakes. |
She spent like 4 hours decorating them. |
They are little graduation caps. |
She also made white chocolate cranberry biscotti and gingerbread biscotti. |
She also spent the week making her decor. She likes the details. |
I was so happy the cold front came through so it wasn't quite so hot. |
A and D enjoying a little video game time together playing Mario kart. |
L also made a picture collage of her life. |
T is trying to earn money to buy new basketball shoes this year ( he got new ones in December, but they are already getting tight on his feet). He had L make up a flier for him offering up his young back to do chores for people or haul off any metal or appliances they want to get rid of (this is up L's alley since she is getting a degree in Graphic Design and Photography). While we took Maisy on her walk he placed one in every mailbox on our street (27). It was only a week ago, but so far he has picked up someone's old fridge and mower deck ( and made $43 recycling them), cleaned out a barn, been requested to help weedeat (though he has never really done that so he might not accept that one), and watch animals for a family that went out of town for a few days. I am really proud of him for taking the initiative to go out and earn what he wants. He even sold the chicken eggs he collected while watching the animals to L for $0.10 an egg so she can add them to her egg selling business for $4 a dz. This week both L and T are camp volunteers at our church so M-F 7-4 they will be gone and with D at work, I have a week of getting stuff done with no "help". My first thing to tackle will be my new coop for my manly girl. It's a rooster, but he has no idea. He even did the egg song today and went to the nesting box. And then came out crowed a bunch and strutted around.🤷 I bring him inside every night until he has his new coop. His hormones were kicking in and I didn't want fertilized eggs so he has to be by himself except one of my hens can fly over the fence and visit him. However, she literally terrorizes him and chases him off so I am not sure that counts as someone coming to visit him.
Have a wonderful week 🤗
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