A with the world's longest Hangman! It was a quote from Merlin (a great British series we have watched as a family about 5 times all the way through now). |
There is no denying my "manly girl" is a rooster. Mr. Murdoch, as we call him, has turned into a beautiful and very sweet (to us Not the hens) rooster. However, being raised by 20 girls has effected his personality. He knows he wants to crow and "interact" with the girls, but he has absolutely no innate calling to be their savior. If anything happens that he thinks is scary, he literally yells and runs away to hide. He is more of a every man for himself kind of rooster. He is also a big baby who hates being by himself. He will come to the back door and stare in and yell for me to come out and get him. It's really annoying! I am hopeful now that we have completed his bachelor's pad and I no longer bring him inside every night to sleep that he'll calm down and enjoy his freedom. I was pretty proud of D and I. We built his entire coop with stuff we had laying around, except for the $20 we spent on fence panels and latches. Because of the heat, it took us about 3 days to build it since we had to stop working outside by about 11am. I wanted to not only challenge us to build his coop with stuff we had, but also to not use a saw on any of it. However, D said it was hard enough to build it by piecing together what we had that trying to not use a saw too was stupid. I still think that we could have done it! Overall, I am very happy with how it turned out. The only thing we have left to do is anchor it to the ground. It is way too small not to be secured. The winter wind from the North here is no joke. We regularly have 30 mph sustained winds with 60 mph gusts. Even our huge girls coop is staked on all four corners and it still has moved about 4 inches or so since we built it 6 years ago and it is protected by our house as a wind break! Poor Mr. Murdoch is out in the open.
Eventually, I will probably put fence panels on the west side instead of the tarp. It serves as both a shade in the summer and to help block the winter winds. |
Our deck bunnies also share it with him. They are way too tame! |
They even "helped" us build it. Don't worry. I let him out as soon as I noticed that for some stupid reason he decided to crawl in there, but couldn't figure out how to get out. |
The second hail storm we had this year ( which had some baseball size hail in it) put a crack in T's basketball goal he had just bought last summer. Unfortunately, now the glass has started falling out. I am not sure what our plan is with it. We may get one you put in the ground or might just order a new backboard. We will have the appraiser come out again too for A's car. She literally only had it for about 3 weeks ( after taking a month to fix it from the first hail damage) before it got destroyed in another hail storm, the only difference this time is the roof wasn't bashed in from T's basketball goal repeatedly hitting it😂.
Both L and T are super excited about church camp this week. They get an entire week with their friends having fun and being busy. They get up every day at 6 am and can't go to bed until midnight, at the earliest,L says usually it is about 2am before everyone is done showering and in bed. I have no idea why they can't let everyone go to bed at a decent hour, but the whole day is planned out and the last thing is finished at about 11 pm and then everyone has to take turns showering and getting ready for bed. So everyone gets sleep deprived and becomes sick after they get home, except last year. I picked T up with Covid and having a 104 fever. This year I've learned my lesson. The entire week after camp I have cleared their schedule of everything and given them plenty of time to rest and be sick. L was sick this week with a head cold so I am hopeful she won't get sick again, but she has weaker immune system than the rest of us. I thought she might not be well enough to go at all, but she only has a slight cough now and is feeling a lot better. Fortunately, no one else got sick.🙏
A had a big week of adulting. She said she was ready to not do grown up stuff for a bit😂. She had the exciting weekend of rotating her tires, getting a bridal gift for her friend, scheduling a time to get her meningitis shot (she can't go onto campus and take her labs without it), and had to do some notes for work. Apparently, being an adult is boring and not fun and she felt like an old person. She also gets to be responsible for the pets this week while D and I go on our 2 day vacation and pick up her siblings from camp. Being an adult is hard.
Our scientific method of figuring out if T needs to order a wide shoe🤣. |
The verdict was no, but I'll keep you posted if that was in fact correct.
We met the in laws new puppy! He was really sweet and soft. It was weird being around a dog with so much energy! I bet he slept hard after we left. |
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