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The Bunch Get L Registered For Her College Classes!


We drew "make playdough and play" out of the fun jar. We are going to give the playdough to one of T's teammates little sisters now that we are done.

It's official! L is a college student pursuing a degree in Graphic Design and Photography! What is nice is that a few years ago a law was passed that allowed community colleges to offer 4 year degree plans. Right now L is enrolled in an AAS, but should she decide to pursue a BA it will be quite easy for her to do so at her current college. I always thought it was stupid community colleges weren't allowed to issue 4 year degrees. Some people don't want massive amounts of debt, especially now. I took several summer classes at community college and had professors that taught at Harvard during the regular sessions teach me so the quality is there. I will be very happy if my girls both get degrees and don't have massive amounts of debt. D has crazy amounts of student loans for his MS and they won't be paid off until 3 years after our mortgage is. Yes, three years after we payoff our new house we bought a few years ago. I had student loans too, but I had far less and paid for them in full after 10 years. I hate that everyone keeps talking about cancelling student loans. That would be the worse idea ever! Not only is it not fair to those who paid their loans, but also the ones who went to a less expensive school so they could pay their loans. Also, how would anyone be able to go to school? Do you think any business would loan money for college if they knew they would never see a dime back? It would be like going back to the 1800s when only the rich could afford an education. It sounds like a step backwards to me. I think more people should do apprenticeships or trade schools. I never thought I would be someone who didn't advocate for college, but it just isn't worth it anymore for most things. I literally know no one who works in a field that they have a degree for. I don't. D doesn't. 

In a completely unsurprising turn of events, T made the JV basketball team! I really had no doubts that he would, but he still gets a little nervous anyways. He could probably completely stink up the actual tryout and still make the team since they all have seen him play the past couple of years and know what he can do. His team grew a lot this summer. Most of them are with in a couple of inches of T and one is the same size now. Now we get to start back to practices on Tuesday and Thursday evenings until November and then 4 months of craziness ensues! I really hope we don't play 50+ games this year. That was A LOT!

Stay cool everyone! We're trying to wait out this crazy heat spell like everyone else. I can't wait until I don't have to go check on all the animals every hour when it's this hot out. I look to see if any animal shows signs of heat stress. If a chicken does then they promptly get moved to the garage which I keep at about 80. I don't want it so cold that they will suffer when they go back outside, but cool enough to offer relief. The horses so far are fine, but if needed we give them a cool bath and everyone gets lots and lots of cold water. I even change the bird bath mid afternoon and put down dishes of water for my deck bunnies. I also give out cold fruits and vegetables as snacks. Ok. I might go overboard, but I see them all as my babies and it's super hot out there. I also have misters and fans that run for 8 hours a day to help cool the air.

She was making a hedgehog, but decided it was too hard!😂

She made a frog instead.

Girls went to go see the Barbie movie and loved it!

I made chicken and dumplings from scratch!!It looks gross, but was so good!

L and I also made fried pies from scratch and they were delicious! Some of them split open, but were still yummy.


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