❤️My in-laws ❤️ It was good to see them. It had been way too long! |
We have been trying to celebrate Christmas with my in laws for about a month now. First, we got sick, then they got sick, then the crazy artic cold air came and we had to cancel to take care of the animals. Of course, this weekend there was freezing rain expected again, but not until mid afternoon and early evening so we decided to chance it, leave early, and come back before it was scheduled to start getting bad. We did not want to have to miss seeing them again! My father in law had his weather app that we were periodically checking and when it looked like it was starting to get close to us, we left. Fortunately, we just encountered some light rain and our drive back was fine. We did get some freezing rain after we got home and some more over night, but nothing too bad. We just had to be a little more cautious.
We joked that after we left that their puppy Duke would crash from all the playing! |
The girls napped too on the way home!. And they weren't even the ones playing with Duke! |
The girls first week back at school is going well. L seems to be adjusting well to having more structure in her days. She tends to get overly fixated on doing things so I limit her time each day to 3 hours of computer work and a couple of hours of art project time. Even with me making sure she has plenty of downtime, she is still way ahead of her peers, though to be fair they sound like typical college kids who aren't really into getting good grades. L is VERY set in her ways and is like a 90 yr old man if things don't go EXACTLY like they are suppose to so I try really hard to keep the same schedule each day or let her know way ahead of time if something will be different.
At A's work they periodically print out stats on how many appointments they take. A had the highest average of daily appointments compared to anyone! And she only works 3 days a week and every other Saturday! We have talked about if she'll go full time after she graduates. She is undecided. She won't be able to afford to live by herself in this economy even with her full time salary. She also really likes her down time. She'll probably definitely stay part time until she finishes studying to take her board exams, which will take about 6-9 months.
Maisy does really well with MiMi. |
MiMi won't leave Maisy alone. She's a pesky little sister! We are more cautious with Noelle. The kitties will play together, but not for very long. Noelle tends to play too rough. MiMi seems ok with it, but it worries us. |
A ordered the kitties a new cat tree to play on and insisted on building it herself. |
Which she succeeded at, even with a pictograph as instructions. |
Both the kitties love it! |
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