One of the things we got the kids for Christmas were tickets to go to the Harry Potter Forbidden Forest Experience in Little Elm. I had bought tickets way back in August when it was announced that it was coming to our area. The kids had asked about getting tickets back then and I told them no because it was pretty expensive. However, after thinking about it for a bit, I decided we COULD get tickets as a Christmas gift. D and I bought the tickets and managed not to say a word about it until AFTER the kids opened their gift. I had been getting a little worried that they no longer wanted to go since after the initial asking they literally did not mention it again. There was no "I wish we could go" or "that looks cool". Literally nothing said about it again. However, they were really excited when they opened up their gifts. Even L, who I wasn't sure would care too much since she's not really a fan of Harry Potter, seemed to get caught in the enthusiasm of the other two. It took us about two hours to walk through the forest and it was really neat. The kids all really loved it and we had a super fun and memorable experience. I highly recommend it if you're a fan of Harry Potter!
The baby kitten is growing so fast! We named her Miracle since she was the only baby the mama cat didn't eat. D came up with the name she goes by, which is MiMi. Noelle goes by NoNo, which is the first syllable repeated of her name, though we actually started calling her that when she kept misbehaving and we had to yell "NoNo" so D turned Miracle into MiMi, which we think is cute. We call Noelle "Tato" half the time though because the kids think she smells like a dirty potato when she needs a bath and somehow potato got shortened to just Tato. Yes, we bath our cat regularly (actually shower with her) and she loves it. She will get in the shower and not leave if she thinks she needs a bath. I am so use to our cat behaving so well in the shower, I'm afraid when I start giving MiMi a bath that she's going to completely scratch me up! It's A's cat so maybe I'll just let her worry about that!
We're in the final 2 month stretch of basketball. This means we have a TON of tournaments coming up. Tournaments are super fun for players and people who love basketball. For most families though, they are loud, long, and exhausting. I do enjoy the built in mini vacation though to go to Round Rock, TX and Springfield, MO, though working the fun activities I want to do around games isn't ideal, at least we get to get away.
A is down to her last 4 classes!!! She is taking 2 this semester (she asked to take 3, but was denied. They have to go in a certain order.) Depending on what classes she can take this summer, she'll either graduate in August or December. I am very proud of her!
L starts back to school next week. She had to drop all her classes from last semester because of everything that was going on. She is registered for only 2 classes so we'll see how she handles everything. She has had more good days than bad days lately and I am hopeful she will have enough to do to keep her busy and productive, but not overwhelm her. The next step, if she is still here, will be to get her a part time job this summer. We'll see how it goes.
This was so much fun! They even had Voldemort come over the loud speakers and talk to Harry just like in the final movie! |
We, of course, got our chocolate frogs. We got butter beer too, but unfortunately it was no where near as good as it was at Universal. |
You were able to use your wand at various places to do different things. The longest line was about 15 minutes. They had it set up pretty well. |
T throws a victory sign when his wand worked on his first try and poor A never got hers to work after trying 5 times! 🤣 |
L was able to use her wand to turn the lights on. |
A was ecstatic that she was able to use her wand to light up the mushrooms. |
Grawp (Hagrid's brother) was made to smell so horrible! L had to cover her nose! It was bad.🤢 |
It was pretty expensive, but we had so much fun! It was like being in the movie. |
I'm technology challenged so I couldn't figure out how to rotate the pic (sorry!), but had to show Buck Beak. We even had to get him to bow to us! |
The weather was great too! I was really scared getting tickets for January so far in advance, but it worked out perfectly. |
Hagrid and Fang were so life like! |
What a way to start 2024 off! |
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