Merry Christmas and Happy New Year |
Fortunately, T was feeling much better by Christmas and, other than A, no one else got sick. We had brunch with C and his wife and my parents. It was nice. We had Basketball Tournament a couple of days later, which we placed fourth overall so we did pretty well, but it feels weird that so many tournaments are held at such an already busy time for everyone. We really only have about 6 weeks left of basketball season because after state in the first week of February we really don't have a lot of games until Nationals in mid March, which we will be at Springfield for over a week. We decided to just stay at the same campgrounds we stayed at for both last year. They both had great internet so L will be able to keep up with her school. She is taking 2 art classes. She needs to start doing something, but hopefully won't get overwhelmed and regress in the progress she has made to be "normal" again. We're really not sure what she can handle mentally, but she can't just sit around not working and not going to school. I am hopeful school will go well and she might be ready for a part-time job by summer.
I really value experiences versus stuff for Christmas so one of the things we got the kids for Christmas were tickets to go to the Harry Potter Experience in Little Elm. We go this week and we're really looking forward to it! I bought the tickets way back in August and it was really hard to keep it a secret, but I actually managed to! D also got us tickets to go see Tim Hawkins. The kids absolutely love watching his shows so they are really excited about that too! If you haven't seen or heard of Tim Hawkins, he is a Christian comedian that is really funny and he almost never comes to our area so we jumped on getting tickets as soon as they went on sale. Now we just have to wait until April to go see him. If you have not seen his stuff, I recommend streaming it on YouTube. He is really funny!
I hope everyone has a wonderful New Year! I know we are ready to put last year behind us and have a good year with no major medical issues or drama.
Noelle is always so helpful! |
All the pets LOVE Christmas morning! Everyone is on the floor with them. |
Maisy is getting older. She is almost 14 and now completely deaf, but she still gets around pretty well. She just sleeps almost constantly and can't jump off the deck or the couch sometimes. |
T got a new amp for his guitar. |
L got some new sticker books and glitter pens to doodle with. |
D got new electronic headphones to wear when he mows/weed eats/goes to the gun range. When on they block sounds that are loud, but allow you to hear people trying to talk to you. They are pretty neat. |
The baby is FINALLY a real cat! No more bottles! Uses the litterbox by herself! No more having to get up during the night to feed her! It felt like it would never happen, but it did! The next step is getting her to be able to be out with the other pets. Maisy, ironically, is totally fine with the baby, but Noelle is still uncertain of her. |
It was wonderful to see C and H. They also had a hard year and I am sure they are as ready to say goodbye to 2023 as we are! |
My mom ❤️ It's nice that I can continue our Christmas tradition of brunch and she doesn't have to stress about it or do too much to prepare. She did her fair share the past 40 years. |
My Dad💓 He actually is doing really well for being in his 80's. I am so happy they have such great health for their age! I enjoy every moment I get to spend with them! T is particularly close to Grandpa and they enjoy looking at coins together, playing video games, and watching basketball. |
T played us a 20 minute Christmas concert with his new amp! It's amazing how well he can play after only a year of teaching himself how. |
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