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The Bunch Head To Winspear


❄️ ❄️❄️❄️It was sunny but crazy cold ❄️ ❄️ ❄️ ❄️ 

The weather has been really crazy this week. We finally got all the snow melted and enjoyed a few days of nice weather before the next cold front came through. Thankfully, this was a dry front for us. No ice or snow worries at all. It was just really cold. We had tickets to go see Come From Away on the day the front came through. I have to say the half mile walk in the strong north winds was rather unpleasant, but the show made up for it all! A picked us out FANTASTIC seats. We were dead center. A picked those because there was no intermission during this show. If there would have been we would have had to climb over 30 seats to get in and out. However, the show was so fast moving we didn't even realize an hour and forty five minutes had gone by! D said it was the BEST production he had EVER seen! It was from the perspective of the town of Gander, New Foundland of what it was like when 38 planes arrived after the United States closed air space on 9/11. They normally only see six flights a day. It was a really great production and if you ever have the opportunity to see it you won't regret it.

The boys in their comfy sweaters. We knew the seating was tight so we didn't wear our heavy coats (which we could've really used!).

We have been looking forward to this show for the past few months.

She collects Playbills.

We're teaching the dogs to ride together. Our first practice camping trip with both dogs is coming soon. So far they do great together! And neither one is taking anxiety meds anymore!!!


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