Many thanks to our wonderful son for bringing COVID home to share with his family!❤️
D was the second one to get it, then came A, and finally me. Somehow L never had it. We just assume that she will catch it about 4 days after we leave quarantine and then we'll get to go back into it! We have gone nowhere for the past two weeks and while we probably wouldn't go do much anyways since it is so scorching hot, the inability to leave at will has made this time drag by. Basically, since we all had fatigue and the lovely COVID sinus headache, we just watched movies and played games (when we could muster up the strength to think). Our Aunt recommended a tv series called the Murdoch Mysteries that we really like. At almost an hour for each episode, I am a little embarrassed that we are almost to season 3. The intense heat has not helped us feel better faster. In fact, I think it prolonged it since after about 20 minutes of dealing with animal chores in the heat we would need to go inside and recover for a bit, even first thing in the morning.
I am happy to report that after two weeks, D finally went back to work today and other than a lingering cough and some fatigue we are all on our way back to normal. Since I was the last to fall I can judge about how much longer I have left by the others. It takes about 5 days to run its course with the most intense part (though it feels like 6 months), not including lingering fatigue and cough. I have about 2 days left. I definitely feel better, but still tire super easy (think so tired I have to nap) and cough a lot. I also have horrible headaches, probably from all the coughing. However, each day is better than the previous and fortunately T was the only one who had a horrible fever, and I am pretty sure that was because he was so tired from camp. Ironically, we cancelled our fun 4th of July plans with C and H so we would spare them the illness and they ended going to Win Star Casino instead for the day and caught it anyways! We ended up watching the Macy's fireworks on TV and listening to all the neighbors set of their fireworks. Luckily, we had a half an inch of rain on the 3rd so I felt a little better about my neighbors' fireworks NOT burning my house down.
Next week, T starts back to basketball practice and our normal schedule resumes. We are ready!
To keep our EXTREME boredom at bay, we drew "stay at home" fun jar activities. Today's activity was an outside scavenger hunt. It was 8am. |
Playing string with the cat and watching fireworks ON TV when we have $200 worth of real ones we could be setting off. Yep, we're sick. |
L made a pavlova. She informed us it is a firework NOT Union Jack! |
It was good, but took way too long for it to still taste like berries and cream. |
It was pretty though. |
We were one of the lucky ones who had rain...we are still very dry out here. |
L and I enjoying the fact we are the only two who weren't sick...little did I know two days later I would fall. |
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