Our yard is dangerous to walk around on. I am surprised none of the animals have been hurt. |
We are really tired of the hot, dry weather. We do have a routine for dealing with it though. We get up no later than 7:30 am and immediately dress and head outside. We feed the horses and rub them down. If we don't get all the sweat and dirt off from the day before then the horses cannot sweat properly, i.e. they could die of heat stroke. Now that we do this everyday it only takes about 15 minutes, where as before it was about 30 -45 minutes twice a week. After we clean and feed the horses, we fill up the trough with cool water. We do this everyday also because it is hot and they drink a lot of water. By overfilling it everyday, it helps keep the water clean and we only have to scrub the trough about once a week. After the trough is done I water my baby tree and refill the water I leave out for the rabbits. Yes, the same rabbits that are over running our house, but it just seems heartless not to give the animals a water source. All the ponds and ditches they normally drink from have run dry. The garden bunny is still there and no matter how many times the gate is left open or I try to scoot him out he refuses to leave. He has his own separate bowl of water. I named him Blaze. I guess he is now my outdoor rabbit. After watering the garden, which only consists of non blooming tomato plants and the rabbit, we let the chickens out and set up the sprinklers somewhere. Our in ground sprinklers need work so I just use an above ground one and even though I water something everyday, I still am NOT watering the "lawn", which is now just crunchy brown grass and canyon like cracks. I water the sides of the house to keep the foundation moist and my baby trees, other than that I don't worry about watering. By this time it has been a couple of hours and I am ready for coffee and news. I am not sure how people don't watch the news. I watch at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Sometimes before bed, but only if I am checking on storms.
We took the dog on a walk and D brought a club because we saw two loose Great Pyrenees. |
A also brought a whip. You know just a normal family walk with a horse whip and a wooden club.😂 |
This past couple of weeks we have been desperately looking for hay. Our neighbors we usually buy from have sold there property for 2.5 million to a developer. I am sad my view will no longer be of a hay field, but of a neighborhood. The feed store down the street FINALLY had a few rolls on Tuesday. It was of a lower quality than I normally get, and costs THREE times as much as normal, but I figure something is better than nothing for them to eat in the winter. I went to go get a few higher quality bales to mix with it a few days later and low and behold, they had a fresh delivery of good hay! Yay! It was the same price as the lower quality stuff so that was irritating that I spent so much on it, but long story short, We. Have . Hay. Yay! We actually have about a year and 3 months worth of hay now. I know that come February there will be a lot of farmers desperate for hay so I might sale a couple for the outrageous price I paid if someone is really in need. This year has been so hot and dry most farms only had one cut instead of three and the fires have burned a lot of the fields too. The price I paid for hay will probably be nothing compared to how expensive it will become in winter, if you could even find it. I feel at peace knowing my babies will have food. Ok. The donkey is my baby. The horse is more like a large pushy dog that we put up with. She is fun to watch and likes her pets, but doesn't really like being overly messed with.
Red Velvet Ant (aka cow killer). Found this on our deck. Not cool. In fact it's kind of scary. Google it. |
We only have one more week until school starts back. Summer went by quickly. I can't wait until it cools off and we can go camping again. I love my fall camping!
Good news... It is raining!!!!
We need more, but THANK YOU JESUS'! |
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