As I have said before, A really lucked out in finding a great job. Not only does she really like everyone she works with, but the business itself treats their employees well. They have a break room fully furnished with drinks and snacks and the company also pays for Sonic Happy Hour drinks every afternoon. The clinic literally just moved into their new facility when she started working there and this week they had their grand opening. Fortunately, it was on a day A had off so she could show us all around. The clinic went all out for the opening. They had a bounce house for the kids, grilled hot dogs, hamburgers, and sausage. There was also lots of goodies for your fur babies. Maisy ended up with a new Kong toy, a new collar, and a bandana. While Noelle ended up with a squeeze up treat and her own bandana, which she actually wears all day long with out trying to take it off. She looks really cute in it!
She was so excited to show us her work. |
The exam rooms are HUMONGOUS! I could easily walk the horse in one ( even though the large animal clinic is a separate building). |
The spot where Maisy relieved herself during our trip( it was cleaned and bleached immediately). Maisy also barked like crazy at the receptionist and unplugged the scale. It wasn't her best vet trip. |
A has her own walkie talkie ( though you can't really see her name as well the white ones). They have to use walkie talkies to communicate with everyone because the building is 8500 SQ ft and built like a maze. |
She really likes her work and I am super happy for her.😊 |
They hooked up a stuffed animal to the lead lines in the surgery room to show us how it works. |
There were so many different holding areas I lost count of how many cages they had. |
Maisy went to see A at work this week for the first time. We figured since we have been taking her to the vet so frequently we might as well enjoy A's discount and maybe a new vet would have a different idea on how to help her. We did get one new piece of information; we could give her Benadryl twice a day. While that didn't completely clear up all her issues, I think it helped. The best part was the entire visit plus her topical meds only cost me $8.36! Yay, for A's super awesome discount! I also ordered CUSTOMIZED dog food from the well-known local dog food place, Muenster Milling. Yes, customized dog food is a thing apparently and for $130 a bag they will add all kinds of goodies to your food. We have only had it for about a week and she hasn't gotten worse, but also not a lot better. We had been paying for prescription food, in case she had a food allergy. However, after eight weeks there was no change in her skin conditions so I did not feel inclined to keep purchasing the super expensive speciality food. Even at the same price, at least my customized bag includes all the extras I usually have to add to her food so it still works out a little better.
Maisy with her new Kong toy and bandana. |
Noelle with her new bandana. |
We took L back to the Dr this week. They wanted to do more X-rays after the swelling went down in her wrist. Unfortunately, they still couldn't see what they wanted to so we go back in two more weeks to either try again or order a bigger ( read more expensive) test. We did learn we can take the cast off to wash it . L was really excited about that. Unfortunately, this week we were out enjoying the great weather by walking the dog and L slipped off the road and twisted her ankle. After a couple days of rest and ice, her ankle was better, but I still think people are going to think she is abused. She is so klutzy!
This summer I told you how T's basketball goal was ruined in a storm and we went and bought him a new one( and ended up just pushing it out of the store since no one was around to help). We had originally filled it with water, but with winter coming and our crazy high winds out here, we needed something more formidable. We ended up draining the water ( which -basketball goal makers-would be easier if you put a drain hole in it!), leveled the site, filled the base with about 400 lbs of sand (there was a serious shoulder work out), and finally using three anchors to secure it. We also put 160# of concrete on top of it. I have to say if it falls, we had a tornado 🌪️. T says it looks like an animal.😂
The north side view. |
The south side view. |
D and I are doing well. D received his annual raise which is nice and will hopefully offset the crazy grocery bills we have had. I have had D go over the end of month expenses with me the past couple of months and let's just say he has had a few surprises on how much things cost. Hopefully, now that gas prices have dropped a little, prices for groceries and goods will follow. C was sick this week with Strep throat so not only were we not able to go camping, but we also didn't get to visit with the older kids. We are going to try again next week.
Have a great week!
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