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The Bunch Celebrate The New Year


We have been so busy this week. T had two regular practices with a super hard game and 4 super hard tournament games. They actually lost their 3rd game of the season, but by no means should have! I have never seen such crazy biased calls from the refs! For example, whenever a ball gets stuck on the rim it's a dead ball. T jumped up to help knock it down and the ref said it was still in play so they got 2 pts. Basically, we lost by 4 points but should have won by about 20! We play them again next week and we better have different refs or I will probably get ejected from the game for arguing. So frustrating! The tournament went much better. Not just because we won three out of our 4 games, but also because the refs were fair. They let both teams get away with some things and called the similar offenses and the blatant personal fouls. The only team we lost to was Australia. Yes, they were really from Australia and let me tell you, they grow them big and aggressive there! I don't think 9th in Australia means the same as in America! These guys looked at least 2 years older than our guys. Noone beat Australia in the tournament and we tied for second place with Gainesville. We have a tie breaker game on Tuesday. Luckily, our coach gave the kids Monday night off from practice so they can rest some more before their big game. He hasn't been very big on rest days this year so I was surprised he actually cancelled practice, but after about 8 intense games over 5 days the kids really need an extra rest day.

We were able to see our 10U team play before T's game. They were so cute!!


The special looking one is mine. I told him bring BOTH uniforms ( which by the way why aren't they just reversible!). We were supposed to be black(visiting team) and Australia was supposed to be white (home team). However, Australia only had their dark uniforms ( because let's be honest why would they EVER think they would be a home team. Someone scheduling the tournament screwed up) so we had to change to white. Guess who didn't have his!?! He was allowed to play in his dark shorts and borrowed a white jersey from a varsity player. We already have a 22 on our team so we just used tape to mark out his second 2 and he played as #2. He looked really special. Poor guy who helped got a disgusting sweaty top back after the game! I couldn't wash it first since the other guy had games too!

T actually missed the last tournament game because we had tickets to go see the UNT men's basketball team play against Florida. It was so fun! They had cheerleaders, dancers, the band, and the pep squad all performing. We all had a really great time and the kids were saying we should go to more games. I think it was really good for T to see how the older players in his position play. It is a very physical sport. I may have to bubble wrap him! 

It was a really fun way to spend the afternoon.

We also were able to make it out to my in laws house for Christmas. It is always nice to see them. My mother in law seems to be healing well from her arm surgery last month. I was amazed at what she is able to do with her left hand now that she can't really use her right hand while it is healing. They have been wanting a new screen door installed so part of our Christmas to them was installing a screen door for them. I say " we", but D did most of the installation. T and I were apprentices, apparently. We were tasked with the "hold this" and "go get this" and the " why didn't you read my mind and get/do this".  Anyone who knows D knows that once he gets into a project he has tunnel vision and can be a little irritable, but he did it and the door looks and works great. 

My mother in law 💜❤️

My father in law 💕

After we came home, L immediately went to play with the hair straightener my in laws got her for Christmas. She was probably back there doing her hair for about an hour and a half. I think it looks nice though, but I would never spend that long just doing my hair!

It also made me want a screen door for our front door. I  also planned on getting new flooring and windows this year ( I have HATED our carpet since we moved here), but since everyone keeps talking about a recession so I have decided to put any unnecessary large expenses on hold for this year just in case. 

I hope everyone had a wonderful New Years and is looking forward to whatever is to come. 

Happy New Year's!


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