L and I LOVED our stadium chairs. It made such a huge difference at the end of the day, even more than my couch cushions did! |
Twice this month I have made a comment and God has shown his sense of humor. My first comment was about two weeks ago. We were on our way to a basketball game and I commented on how much better watching games were this year since the refs had been calling pretty fairly. I mentioned how nice it was not having to yell at them all the time (yep, I am that person. No apologies.) That very game, not even an hour later, we had the most insane game ever. I swear they had to have paid off the refs. It was so horrible I refused to go the second time we played them, though D said it was actually pretty fair that time. The second comment was during this very recent tournament. We were into our third game, a couple of days into the tournament, and I commented to another mom about how this year it was so nice. The games were fairly called, the other teams and their parents were nice, it was such a nice experience. Enter. The. Last. Game. Yep, who else would have made it to the final round for us to play EXCEPT nightmare team! I am not kidding. The one team I refused to go see play was in the final round against us at the playoffs. God is funny and we all failed miserably. L and I got there early and just picked the first row in one of the sets of bleachers. About 30 minutes later, when the game is closer to starting I look around and realize that L and I are sitting smack in the middle of nightmare team's parents. By now it is pretty crowded and we have nowhere to go so we just stay put. I mean they CHOSE to sit around us. I was listening to the parents talk and a lady directly behind me was talking and mentioned that "this team played dirty during our last game." It didn't even get all the way out of her mouth before I whipped around and screamed at her that "WE DID NOT!! She hid behind her husband and said it was a private conversation. Apparently, me telling her that a public tournament with 1000 people wasn't private, upset her. Her husband, who apparently wasn't as stupid as she was by obviously provoking a straight up pissed off lady, tried to diffuse the situation by saying in his nicest voice, "look, we just want to watch our kid play". I did finally turn around, but of course she would try to make snide comments to my back, but when I would turn and tell her to shut up, she would avoid confrontation. Nothing makes me madder than weak people. If you say something, it better be something you would say to my face. I don't play passive aggressive. I am just straight aggressive. I rather like that about me. I will say anything to your face that I would say behind your back. My kids think it can be mean, but does it really matter if you still say that mean thing? I just think it's more honest and respectful to own your thoughts than to engage is slanderous gossip. Anyways, I digress. She finally moved. Unfortunately, I had to endure the comments about our kids from them for the rest of the game, but not ONE person said we played dirty after that....at least not where they knew I could hear!😂
This game overall was no different. I swear this team has to pay the refs off under the table. The calls were insane! If it wasn't on tape, D never would have believed how horrible the calls were.
While I was busy having my own issues with nightmare team's parents, the rest of our team's parents were having their own problems. They were worked up, rightly so, about the calls and long story short two of our Dad's were ejected from the game ( one played college ball and his brother was an NBA player so he knows the rules well), our coach got a technical for leaving the coaches box ( not kidding, when he left the box it was when nightmares team's coach was standing in the middle of the court OUT OF HIS BOX...only our coach got the technical) and nightmare team had one player that was kicked out of the facility entirely ( you don't even want to know how badly he had to have behaved for them to actually call that out). I can honestly say I NEVER WANT TO SEE THIS TEAM AGAIN. .. so we'll probably play them at the next tournament. At least, T's ankle did well in his brace and didn't bother him. Even with all the excessive fouls our team still almost beat them. It has taken me three days to calm down enough from this game to be able to write about it. It was that horrible. This week L sings in the services and then it's off to our state tournaments. |
Wish us luck....and that we don't run into nightmare team!
I have no idea why he was just staring at the basket like that and when I asked him, he had no idea either! 😂 |
T warming up for one of the tournament games. |
So far in the past 10 days: it has been 80, snowed, gone back to the 70's, and currently we have freezing rain. Texas weather is so crazy! |
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